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Palm Fruit: Health Benefits, Facts and Recipes

Palm Fruit: Health Benefits, Facts and Recipes

Palm fruit is also known as “Palmyra fruits”, these fruits are a bunch of several discrete fruits that are close to each other on tall palm trees. The palm tree is said to be 4-7 inches in diameter with a black husk.

Palmyra fruits also known as palm fruits, are native to South and Southeast Asia.

However, a sweet jelly substance is also gotten from this palm fruit, when the top part of the fruit is cut off.

These sweet jelly seed sockets are translucent, pale white is, and have a mild sweet flavor.

In the jelly portion of this fruit, there is a yellowish-brown-like thin skin that covers the watery fluid within the white fleshy body.

This palm tree is also said to contain lots of nutrients and vitamins like phosphorus and calcium with zero fat and negligible protein content.

Nutritional Facts of Palm Fruit

Below are the nutritional values of palm fruit contained per 100gram palm fruit:

  • It contains 77g of water
  • Possess 1g of protein
  • Low in the fat of about 0g
  • Contains 21g of carbohydrates
  • Zero fibre, 0g

And a host of others, Calcium 9mg, Phosphorus 33mg, Iron 0mg, Thiamine 0.04mg, Riboflavin 0.02mg, Niacin 0.3mg, and 5mg of Vitamin C.

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Health Benefits of Palm Fruit – Palmyra Fruit

Palm fruit is an excellent source of nutrients and vitamins needed for the proper growth and development of our body.

It is also a healthy option. It is a rich source of vitamins B and C, iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, thiamine, and riboflavin.

(1) Good for Skin

Palm fruit is an excellent home remedy for does suffering from prickly. The palm fruit contains a sweet jelly substance which when applied to affected areas on the skin can help soothe the area and immediately alleviate the itchiness associated with prickly heat.

Recent studies have also shown palm fruit to be effective in reducing symptoms of chickenpox and enhancing the rate of healing.

(2) Anti-Inflammatory

As we know by now, palm fruit is very beneficial to the skin and also beneficial in treating inflammatory skin problems such as redness due to intense heat.

The palm fruit contains a sweet jelly substance which when applied to affected areas on the skin can help soothe the area and immediately alleviate the itchiness associated with prickly heat. It prevents prickly heat, boils, and redness of the face.

However, a drink made from palmyra fruit can effectively treat dermatitis.

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(3) Cure for Stomach Problems

The fruit also helps in treating most stomach problems like burning sensations in the stomach. It is advised to use employ the use of palmyra fruit during the summer season to keep the body hydrated. It also replenishes the lost minerals and nutrients.

It is also used in laxative and treating digestive problems and other notable stomach problems.

(4) Healthy Diet Option

It also prevents malnutrition in children and adults. It is a good option for those on diet.

(5) Home Remedy for Many Ailments

Palm fruit is very versatile, due to its sweet nature as an edible plant and also packed with nutrients with anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.

The fruit pulp helps to cure skin inflammations. It is used to treat vomiting as well as worm infestation. It is used as an expectorant and also as a liver tonic.

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Palm Fruit Recipe

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Palm fruit (Palmyra fruits)

(1) Palm Candy Drink

Ingredients include;

  • Palm candy
  • Cardamom
  • Whole milk/coconut milk
  • Sugar palm fruit


(1) Palm candy and cardamom are mashed together in a mortar and pestle.
(2) Whole milk is boiled and once it comes to boil, palm candy and cardamom mixture is added to it.
(3) The flame is turned off once the mixture is dissolved in the milk.
(4) Cut sugar palm fruit is added and served on cooling.
(5) Instead of whole milk, coconut milk can be used but it should be boiled on a low flame.

How to Eat Palmyra Fruit?

To get the full benefits of the palm fruits it is advised that you should eat them along with their skin.

The ripened fibrous external coat of the sugar palm fruits is also edible and can be consumed raw, boiled, or roasted.

You can also take the jelly by mixing it with honey, this is very helpful in tackling summer heat.

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Palm Jaggery

The palm jaggery has an off-white to pale yellowish color.

Also, the sap gotten from the palm fruit when boiled, the palm jaggery is formed.

It has a sweet taste with a typical aroma of Palmyra sap

You should also know that the palm jaggery is sometimes called palmyra palm sugar, it also serves as a natural sweetener.

It provides good health benefits;

(1) It is low in glycemic index sugar, which is very helpful in reducing obesity.
(2) It also helps in reducing diabetes.
(3) Due to the presence of carbohydrates, it provides a sustained and uniform energy supply to the body.
(4) It is very rich in nutrients and vitamins including vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, and C.

You should also know that pure sandalwood powder is mixed with ground fresh sugar palm fruit with a little coconut water.

It is also effective for the inflammatory skin problems faced after sun exposure.

This is a good remedy for treating and preventing boils, prickly heat, and redness of the face.

This pack is applied in a thin coat on the face and left to dry after which it is washed off with cold water.

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