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7 Secrets to Quickly Grow Your Business

7 Secrets to Quickly Grow Your Business

Credit: Peshkova/Shutterstock New business owners have numerous goals when they’re starting out, including rapid growth and recognition for their fledgling venture. But overnight success isn’t often the standard: There’s no specific “special sauce” to add to the recipe for instant results, and nothing is guaranteed.However, there are ways to reach growth milestones that can catapult…

What to Produce, How to Produce and For Whom to Produce

What to Produce, How to Produce and For Whom to Produce

ADVERTISEMENTS:The Central problems of what and how much to produce; how to produce and for whom to produce are determined by the free price mechanism. (i) What to Produce:Let us consider the first question: ‘which commodities are to be produced and in what quantities? The commodities which do not command positive prices in the market…