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Comparison between E-Business vs. E-Commerce

Comparison between E-Business vs. E-Commerce

E-commerce and e-business are similar, with e-commerce referring to buying and selling products online. However, e-business defines a wider range of business processes by including aspects such as supply chain management (SCM), electronic order processing and customer relationship management (CRM) designed to help the company operate more effectively and efficiently.

E-business processes can be handled in-house through a company’s network or possibly outsourced to providers that specialize in these specific aspects of the transaction.

In contrast, the e-commerce definition is much clearer and describes any part of the processes via which online orders are made and paid for.

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For example, a customer making an online order but picking it up at the brick-and-mortar store is an example of an e-commerce transaction.

In conclusion, most businesses today do some level of marketing, sales, and customer service via the internet. Having part or all of your business operations online is an e-Business model. When a business is selling products online, it is an e-commerce business model.

E-commerce and e-business are similar models of the transaction, with e-commerce referring to buying and selling products online.

However, e-business defines a wider range of business processes by including aspects such as supply chain management (SCM), electronic order processing, and customer relationship management (CRM) designed to help the company operate more effectively and efficiently.

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