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Soyinka releases new novel after 48 years

Soyinka releases new novel after 48 years

Nobel Laureate Prof Wole Soyinka will this month release a new novel, titled: Chronicles of the Happiest People on Earth.

It is coming 48 years after his two works – The Interpreters (1965) and Season of Anomy (1973).

The new work will be on sale before end of the year.

The novel is published by Bookcraft Publishing, Ibadan.

In a statement, Soyinka gave an excerpt from the book, with the heading: A Parable From National Urban Reality.

It reads: “While the formal fact-finding panels pursue their assignment, and bewildered minds attempt to absorb the turn of events, reflect upon, and engage in informal caucuses on ‘what really happened’ during, and following the authentic #ENDSARS campaign, both in the Lekki arena and in horrifying dimensions across the nation, I believe that it will not be out of place to offer a parable extracted from a forthcoming work of fiction.

“A parable, yes, but an actuality that has become virtually institutionalized across the nation says Soyinka.

Soyinka releases new novel after 48 years

It is offered as a public service before the events of the month of October 20/20 congeal in the minds of participants, onlookers and consumers of the Nigerian staple of the now mandatory UFN (Unidentified Flying Narratives).

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The forthcoming novel from which it is extracted – Chronicles From the Land of the Happiest People in the World (BookCraft) – will be published towards the end of the month of November, 2020.”

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