Covid-19, Unemployment and Development Challenges of New Dimension Technology Wars.
With the rising loss of jobs in the 21st century and lack of suitable employment to most graduating locals in various communities around the globe. Most of the business and CEOs however will not be able to continue to do the usual routine of business handling following recent changes in the climate of doing things.
Business is no more the usual way it is as most companies need only little or few workers to stay on the front line and other activities managed on the inside of the walls of the company structure.
Following the Covid-19 guildlines on social distancing till date most growing companies are not able to take more staff in to the payroll leaving somany unemployed graduates and job application seekers rising on a daily.
World statistics already populated figures of mass loss of jobs been predicted ahead of year 2025, how is a business expected to settle on this new grounds with all of the hook and bury conditions faced in the aftermath from Covid-19

Our technology difference is a huge factor to determine survivors in business and successful startups lately are not pampered either. It is a known fact already that all companies with a focus of the 21st century growth movement must adopt AIs more than human labor. This is a polite damage already been served to our systems of corporation in general but was also quickly been ignored already due to the aggressive changes over time and new technology wars.
Economy of countries will be judged by their input to co-exist and align with the power of technical utilities in consumption to achieve high productivity and to be able to effectively grow the value chain or suffers the disguised extinction more quickly than shy spongebob. Far from the reality of this impending aggressive growth with technology, It is evident that some of the less empowered communities will be overlooked until the power of investors climb the lines of interest and deserved connectivity from these regions. In my friendly opinion, government policies been put in place however is expected to consistently tackle the former and to properly ensure the absolute relativity of total workforce as compared with job availability.
As a research expert and pro technology analyst, One of the most recurring challenges of these berated mayhem in the technology utilities and consumption sectors is how to quickly become a recognizable force with available AI machines in a glimpse of light or most possibily to be counted one of the prospects aligned for making a profit out of the business of staying at home and working just as it is today.
Skill and Empowerment Programs will be a long bait for escape, but just wondering how seriously considered, if ever it was but unfortunately this topic still appears to be a shadow in any of the meeting house of which it should be treated at gross level, sadly, this ongoing technology wars prompts more to the discussion table than ever asked. The truth is that individuals have different opinions from a technological point of reasoning that one could already think as for some although that they can possibly do with technology meshing into their new schemes of business operations. As a fact though not most business with good ROI have all the technical mechanisms but will not be left out completely since it is obvious we are in a technology era.
Collective efforts with the United Nations on empowerment for technology exposure to the local communities henceforth will become a necessity as to reduce the so many unemployment burden already swept into government arms awaiting a slim rescue.
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