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Reasons why Advertising is very important for Business and Consumers

Reasons why Advertising is very important for Business and Consumers

Business Advertising your business for everyone to be aware of the products or services you provide is very helpful and important for your business to grow as it plays an imperative role for both manufacturers and consumers.

Advertising is important for the business as it lets the business gain more customers, thereby increasing business turnaround.

  • Advertising serves a critical purpose by enabling sellers to effectively compete with each other for the attention of buyers.

It is certain that consumers are more likely to make a purchase a product or request for a service from your company only if they know about the product / company.

Think about it this way; consumers don’t want to buy a product/service, they NEED a solution to a problem. Unless a business explains how they can be the best possible solution for their need, building trust, then the consumer will find someone else.

In today’s digital age, there is no excuse for not advertising your business. It is as important as the product itself. You can have the best possible product but unless people know about it, no one will be buying it. Therefore, I will strongly advice you advertise by Placing a New Ad Now

Marketing is one of the most important things a business can do. Not only does marketing build brand awareness but it can also increase sales, grow businesses and engage customers. There are so many core business functions that stem from a good marketing plan that any small Business would be silly not to give it a shot.

The sole purpose of any business is to sell products and services and be able to earn profits from them. Advertising helps a business to earn profits by enabling more people to know about the products and services and thus resulting in more sales.

Read Also: 10 Smart Ways to Advertise your Business

Advertisements help the consumers to make decisions regarding which product and service to buy. With the help of advertisements, a consumer gets the best possible options.  The consumers on the other hand will never get to know about the products and services if they are not advertised.

Today, the advertising industry has become a huge industry because of the large number of products and services being offered. As a result, the competition has also increased, requiring every businessman to promote his products and services in the best possible manner.

This has further led to the development of new advertising techniques and an increase in the number of advertising agencies which are available today.

The aim of every promotional campaign is to enable the products to reach the right people by increasing the awareness about the product, its benefits and drawbacks. This is important for the success of a business.

Reasons why Advertising is very important for Business and Consumers
Reasons why Advertising is very important for Business and Consumers

5 Reasons Why You Must Advertise (Advertising)

To get results from advertising today you must

  • Be laser focused on a specific ideal client
  • Create awareness for valuable content with a call to action
  • Measure leads and conversion fanatically

But, that’s a topic for another post, today I want to first get the leverage to help you understand why you must add advertising to mix and then we can start to talk about how.

When done effectively advertising is an essential part of mix because:

  1. Advertising is the only medium you can control – if you want your message to hit on the day a product launches or event is about to happen, this is the only vehicle you control completely.
  2. Advertising allows you to target ideal customers only – when you match a very personal message to a very select audience you get far greater connection.
  3. Advertising creates awareness for your content – The force that drives a great deal of conversion and trust building these days is educational content – Ebooks, seminars and blog posts – advertising is a great way to help get that content found and consumed once you’ve gone to the effort to produce it.
  4. Advertising adds credibility to your message – Don’t ask me why this is exactly, but every time I run advertising people comment that business must be going well. The perception that you can afford advertising is often enough to sell and resell prospects and customers alike and makes it easier to get attention for your entire message.
  5. Advertising amplifies everything else you’re doing – When you are using advertising to create awareness for your content you automatically create more awareness for everything you are doing. Journalists find companies that advertise, referral sources remember companies that advertise, people fan and follow and friend from ads, and employees can point to well-placed ads as a source of pride in place they work.

Related: 5 Ways How your Thinking Can Fuel your Business Growth

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