In summary, Regular running or jogging offers many health benefits which include the following:
- help to build strong bones, as it is a weight bearing exercise
- strengthen muscles
- improve cardiovascular fitness
- burn plenty of kilojoules
- help maintain a healthy weight.
Meanwhile, the difference between running and jogging is intensity. Running is faster, uses more kilojoules and demands more effort from the heart, lungs and muscles than jogging. Running requires a higher level of overall fitness than jogging.
Both running and jogging are forms of aerobic exercise. Aerobic means ‘with oxygen’ – the term ‘aerobic exercise’ means any physical activity that produces energy by combining oxygen with blood glucose or body fat.
- Both running and jogging are forms of aerobic exercise.
- A beginner to exercise should start with brisk walking, progress to jogging and work up to running.
- See your doctor for a check-up before starting a running program.
Running is more than just a physical act. It involves mental exercise that can be just as difficult as the actual act of moving. In fact, this is often the area that challenges people the most. The good news is that the health benefits of jogging everyday encompass both the physical and mental as well.
If you are struggling to find the motivation to get out of the house and go for a run, then hopefully this list of amazing rewards that jogging will bring to you is enough to get you moving.
Physical Health Benefits of Jogging Everyday
1. Improves Heart Health
It is not surprising that one of the best health benefits of jogging everyday is that it is good for your heart. As running is an aerobic exercise, it decreases the risk of heart disease, cardiovascular disease and can even improve longevity.
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2. Has Anti-Ageing Benefits
Jogging benefits for skin are such that you start looking more fresh and youthful. This is because jogging ensures that the skin receives more oxygen and blood
3. Enhances Lung Capacity
Working alongside the heart is the lungs. When you jog, you need substantially more oxygen than if you are sedentary, let’s say, sitting on the couch. If you want a way to improve and strengthen your respiratory function, getting up and moving is the way to do it.
With consistent jogging, you will increase the lung’s intake capacity over time, meaning that eventually, you will be able to complete the same amount of exercise with less effort.
4. Weight Loss
Compared to the other physical health benefits of jogging everyday, losing weight is one that you can visually see for yourself over time. Jogging is a great way to manage and lose weight, as it gets the body moving and your heart pumping on a regular basis.
Not only will your body burn calories during your run but also for up to 48 hours afterwards. So you will still be reaping these physical benefits of jogging even after you finish, speeding up your metabolism.
5. Improves Bone Strength
The advantage of jogging is that it maintains bone health. When you begin jogging, the bones experience some amount of stress and load.
It prepares the bones to bear this additional stress which it starts to endure on a regular basis.
It strengthens the bones and prevents bone trauma and injuries.
It improves bone thickness and wards off problems like osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It also makes the bones of the hip and the spine stronger.
6. Develops Muscles
Jogging helps your body become more toned. It works on the large muscles and develops them. It is great for the hamstrings, calf, gluteal muscles, etc.
7. Increase Fitness
By jogging everyday, you will most certainly become fitter. It is one thing to lose weight but it is another to become fit and healthy.
As I mentioned previously, your respiratory function will substantially improve meaning that you will be able to complete the task at hand with less effort and exertion.
When it comes to running, this may be being able to run that 5km distance in a faster time than before or making to to 10km when you couldn’t before.
Your endurance levels will grow, which is a great health benefit of jogging everyday.
8. Prevents Infections and Communicable Diseases
Jogging is known to stimulate the production of lymphocytes and macrophages that combat infection in the body.
It helps to fight viral infections like flu and common cold and also some bacterial infections.
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Mental Health Benefits of Jogging Everyday
9. Relieves Stress
Jogging is a great stress reliever. It can work two ways. You can use the time in your running session to focus on your nagging issues and sweat it off.
Alternatively, you can escape it for a little while and give yourself some much-needed space. Instead, you could use the time to clear your mind and think about something else for a bit.
Either way, jogging is an efficient way to relieve stress and to help you gain some perspective on things.
10. Keeps the Mind Healthy
Jogging plays a major role in improving the mental health of the person.
When you jog, your body releases hormones called endorphins that help lift your spirit and make you feel positive about yourself. And that is why you feel calm and rejuvenated after jogging.
11. Grows Confidence
Maybe you weren’t all that great at running when you first started. Maybe you could only manage to walk the distance on your first try or gave up halfway.
That may have been the case in the beginning but after consistent sessions, how much progress have you made?
Chances are, you would have improved. Even if it is by the slightest margin, this can increase your confidence dramatically.
A boost in confidence is a great mental health benefit of jogging. It is even better because this morale can then be applied in all other areas of your life. So you won’t only be improving your fitness but also the way you approach other areas in your life.
12. Builds the Immune System
Jogging promotes not just physical but also mental well-being. It makes you stronger and fights depression and stress. It removes fatigue, boosts the production of white blood cells in the body and builds up immunity.
13. Boosts Happiness
Ever finished a run and felt happy? You have experienced a common phenomenon known as the “runner’s high”.
The runner’s high is what makes jogging addictive to some people. It helps to release endorphins that bring you to a state of euphoria.
So next time you are dreading that running session, just know that at the end of it, you will be very happy that you did it.
As you can see, the health benefits of jogging everyday not only encompasses physical results but also mental ones. As well as training your body, you will be able to train your mind. Whether you prefer the treadmill or fresh air, as long as you commit to training, you will be able to reap the benefits.
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Health and safety suggestions with running and jogging
Suggestions include:
- Make sure you eat a healthy, well-balanced diet.
- Avoid eating directly before going for a run.
- Avoid running during the hottest part of the day in summer.
- Drink plenty of water before, during and after your run.
- Take your mobile phone with you.
- If using an iPod or headset, do not have the music too loud – stay alert and aware.
- Wear reflective materials if you’re running in the early morning or at night.
- Tell someone where you plan to run and when you think you’ll be back.
- Choose well-lit, populated routes and avoid dangerous and isolated areas.
- If you injure yourself while running, stop immediately. Seek medical advice.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Jogging/Running
1. What is the Difference between Jogging and Running?
The most basic difference between jogging and running is that jogging is at a slower pace. Not only is running faster, but it also uses more energy and burns more calories. Jogging is easier on the muscles, heart and the lungs.
When jogging, the feet make maximum contact with the ground as compared to running. However, while running, the feet make only minimal contact with the ground. Thus, jogging is more weight-bearing. Running is essentially a high-intensity workout.
2. Is it Good to Jog Daily?
Jogging daily may not be as strenuous as running, but it is certainly higher in intensity than walking. You must not over-exert yourself at any cost. Your body must be given enough rest to relax and recuperate. Otherwise, it would strain your joints and muscles. You may end up with injuries. It may even cause excessive fatigue and depression.
3. At What Age Can a Child Start Jogging?
The right time for a child to start jogging is around 7-8 years of age. Children in the age group of 4-14 years can easily run about 4 km or for about half an hour. The key is to not rush. A child can go to jog for about 2-3 km, to begin with, and, then, may increase the duration and distance gradually.
4. Is It Better to Jog in the Morning or Evening?
It is advised that one mustn’t go jogging very early in the morning. This is because the body temperature lower and the bodily functions haven’t kicked in fully during this time. Jogging in the evening is far more beneficial and suitable for the body. By this time, the lung function is better and the bones are active and fluid. The body temperature is also higher in the evening, making it feel easier to jog or run.
While it may not be possible for everyone to take out enough time during the latter half, it is better to exercise whenever possible than not at all.
With so many benefits on your side, jogging makes for an efficient and fruitful choice of workout. Forget fancy fitness routines and rigorous diets. So, pull up your socks, make an effort and jog yourself to a healthy life.