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February 2023

Top 9 Foods & Drinks That Can Be Inflammatory

Top 9 Foods & Drinks That Can Be Inflammatory

Inflammation can be detrimental to our health and wellbeing. And things like what we eat and drink, how much rest we get, and how crazy our stress levels become can all affect inflammation levels in the body and lead to greater risk for disease. There are many inflammatory foods that weaken our system, and so…

How Factors of Production Work

How Factors of Production Work

Factors of production are the inputs needed for the creation of a good or service. The factors of production include land, labor, entrepreneurship, and capital. Factors Of ProductionThe modern definition of factors of production is primarily derived from a neoclassical view of economics. It amalgamates past approaches to economic theory, such as the concept of…

Infants Child Development: Read About the Stages

Infants Child Development: Read About the Stages

Coronavirus COVID-19: Latest News and InformationWhat are developmental milestones for infants? Where can I find tips for caring for an infant? How can I ensure my infant’s safety? Developmental MilestonesCognitive development for your baby means the learning process of memory, language, thinking and reasoning. Your baby is learning to recognize the sound of your voice.…

9 Inventions That Will Make Your 2020 a Lot More Interesting

9 Inventions That Will Make Your 2020 a Lot More Interesting

The past two to three years have seen a wide array of promising inventions enter the prototyping stage, or even break into the market. From gadgets that make lives easier, to products that disrupt an entire industry, innovators, entrepreneurs and engineers are hard at work to create a better, smarter, and even more exciting world.SEE…

Small Business Trends to Always Watch For

Small Business Trends to Always Watch For

Paying attention to the latest small business trends puts you ahead of your competition and with 30 million small businesses in the United States, the competition is fierce. By knowing the latest business news and trends, it’s easier to grow company sales, offer better customer service, and operate more effectively.Here’s what was predicted just in…