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China horror as prisoners have organs harvested while still alive

China horror as prisoners have organs harvested while still alive

CHINA have allegedly been harvesting organs from prisoners while they were still alive, according to new horrifying research.

Australian National University conducted a study into thousands of medical papers from China that revealed the country’s covert organ harvesting operations. China is one of the leading countries in the world for short organ transplant waiting lists despite low numbers of voluntary organ donors.

China horror as prisoners have organs harvested while still alive

Transplant waiting lists for countries such as the UK and United States are in months and years, while China’s waiting list is only a matter of weeks.

In China, it is completely legal to harvest the organs from executed prisoners and has been since 1984, but now human rights activists have raised concerns about operations on living prisoners.

Under the 1984 law, the prisoners due to be executed had to give prior consent to organ donation or the organs could be harvested if no one came to claim the body.

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