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19 Foods to Lower your Blood pressure

19 Foods to Lower your Blood pressure

HomeHealthy EatingFebruary 21, 2019Science-backed diet advice to avoid hypertensionHigh blood pressure is extremely common, affecting more than 100 million Americans according to the American Heart Association. But just because it’s common doesn’t mean you should take it lightly. High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, can be deadly — and the death rates from hypertension…

5 Most Basic Rules of Health and Fitness to Maintain

5 Most Basic Rules of Health and Fitness to Maintain

Here at Outside, we write about the foundational principles of health and fitness all the time. In a world rife with nonsense hacks and cleanses, doing so is more important than ever. In an attempt to further cut through the noise, we spoke with Michael Joyner, a physician, researcher, and expert on health and human…

Top 20 Proven Benefits of Ginger Plant

Top 20 Proven Benefits of Ginger Plant

Ginger is an ancient spice with powerful anti-inflammatory properties. The top health benefits of ginger include its ability to help with arthritis and osteoarthritis, relieve nausea and pain, prevent cancer, improve respiratory conditions, and reduce flatulence. Ginger also helps boost bone health, strengthen the immune system, and increase appetite. This spicy root is also good for enhancing…

CBD Oil - Uses, Health Benefits and Risks

CBD Oil – Uses, Health Benefits and Risks

Cannabidiol (CBD) is an oil derived from the cannabis plant. Possible health benefits include reducing inflammation and pain. However, it is not legal in all states, and there may also be some risks.In June 2018, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the prescription use of Epidiolex, a purified form of CBD oil, for treating…