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Top 11 healthiest fruits on Earth and there health benefits

Top 11 healthiest fruits on Earth and there health benefits

Every single fruit (and vegetable!) is a great option. Research has shown eating a minimum of four to five servings per day helps to boost mood and reduce your risk of heart disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes. 

Yes some people still find it difficult to eat fruits.

Many of us also miss out on sufficient dietary fiber, calcium, potassium and magnesium, all of which are found in abundance in produce. 

Potassium, for example, helps maintain a healthy blood pressure and you’ll get it easily in bananas, prunes and cantaloupe. The fiber in fruit also supports better digestion and fills you up for fewer calories, making it a smart choice for your health overall and can help if you’re trying to lose weight.

Whether you choose fresh or frozen, make it your goal to get more fruit into every meal.

No matter how you slice it, eating more fruit can benefit your body and your mind, starting with these ideas.

(1) Watermelon

Top 11 healthiest fruits on Earth and there health benefits

Watermelon is 92% water, making it a great choice for hydration. Your food provides about 20% of your fluid intake, and eating water-packed snacks like watermelon can help you avoid subtle, headache-spurring dehydration.

Because fruit is high in water, potassium and magnesium, it helps to offset excess sodium in your diet, too. 

(2) Apples

Top 11 healthiest fruits on Earth and there health benefits

An apple a day may in fact keep your doctor away.

Evidence has shown that frequent apple consumption may reduce total cholesterol, which can help reduce your risk of heart disease.

That’s thanks to the phenolic compounds, antioxidant compounds that help to promote healthy cellular function and proper blood flow, found in apple skins.

(3) Cherries

Top 11 healthiest fruits on Earth and there health benefits

Feeling stressed? Grab a handful of cherries. In addition to their multitude of antioxidant benefits, these little stone fruits contain quercetin, a type of antioxidant linked to promoting feelings of calmness.

(4) Bananas

Top 11 healthiest fruits on Earth and there health benefits

Rich in soluble fiber, bananas are an easy grab-and-go snack that can help lower cholesterol.

For an extra heart-healthy boost, slice bananas on top of morning oats with a tablespoon of chia seeds and walnuts. It’s a hearty, energy-packed breakfast loaded with fiber, vitamin B6, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C and manganese.

(5) Oranges

Top 11 healthiest fruits on Earth and there health benefits

You already knew that oranges came packed with vitamin C, but get this: Citrus fruits have been shown to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidative and anti-cancer properties

(6) Guava

Top 11 healthiest fruits on Earth and there health benefits

Give your immune system a boost with guava. They’re rich in vitamin C, potassium and fiber, and have a fair amount of folate. With a tropical tang, guavas can be used to make a tasty jam, or turned into a syrup or glaze to use in a host of recipes.

(7) Strawberries

Top 11 healthiest fruits on Earth and there health benefits

Strawberries are a great source of antioxidants, especially vitamin C.

Just one cup of halved strawberries packs about 150% of your daily value. 

(8) Avocados

Top 11 healthiest fruits on Earth and there health benefits

Avocado is a unique fruit, because of its low sugar content. It also provides heart-healthy fatty acids and magnesium, a key mineral linked to neurological and muscular function

(9) Lemons

Top 11 healthiest fruits on Earth and there health benefits

Lemons are high in vitamin C, folate, potassium and flavonoids. Flavonoids have been linked to reducing your risk of cognitive decline by enhancing circulation and helping to protect brain cells from damage. 

(10) Pineapple

Top 11 healthiest fruits on Earth and there health benefits

This tropical fruit is simply loaded with vitamin C and is an excellent source of manganese, a mineral that helps your brain and nervous system function.

(11) Breadfruit

Top 11 healthiest fruits on Earth and there health benefits

Another great source of vitamin C, breadfruit also has a fair amount of the minerals potassium and magnesium. It’s a particularly interesting fruit, because when it’s unripe it can be cooked like a potato, but when it’s ripe it can be used in a dessert.

Another thing that’s unusual about breadfruit: It’s a terrific source of protein.

Read Also: Extremely Interesting health benefits of Milk you should know today

Check this out Also: Exciting health benefits of Apples you need to know


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