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Worlds largest cave Sơn Đoòng Cave honoured by Google on 13TH anniversary

Worlds largest cave Sơn Đoòng Cave honoured by Google on 13TH anniversary

Today’s Google Doodle is honouring the world’s largest cave Sơn Đoòng Cave and we have all the information you need about the natural wonder.

Google’s homepage is known for celebrating different events and holidays, as well as honouring celebrated people and beautiful landmarks through fun and colourful doodles.

This is the first time the natural wonder is honoured on Google’s homepage and the doodle is displayed in several countries across the globe.

Sơn Đoòng Cave is honoured on the homepages of Vietnam, UK, Sweden, Singapore, Greece and many more.

Worlds largest cave Sơn Đoòng Cave honoured by Google on 13TH anniversary
Sơn Đoòng Ca

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