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Business Process - Definition, Lifecycle Steps and Importance

How to Produce? – Economics

Each and every economy has to answer 3 fundamental questions: what to produce, how to produce, and for whom to produce the goods and services. All societies need to make a decision regarding the the perfect combination of factors to produce the desired output of services or products. For instance, exactly how much land, labour, and…

8 Business Success Tips for Entrepreneurs

8 Business Success Tips for Entrepreneurs

June 4, 2015 6 min readOpinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Being an entrepreneur means that you’ll often blaze your own trail: No career guides, counselors or maps will guide you from one step to the next: You’ll have to make it up as you go. I’ve been an entrepreneur my whole adult life and it’s…


What is Money and Characteristics of Money

Money makes the world go around. Economies rely on the exchange of money for products and services. Economists define money, where it comes from, and what it’s worth. Here are the multifaceted characteristics of money.Money is a medium of exchange; it allows people to obtain what they need to live.Bartering was one way that people…


30 Awesome DIY Projects that You’ve Never Heard of

Do you know what’s great about DIY projects? Everything. When you make items yourself, you can choose projects that suit your tastes, create them in your choice of colours/textures, and then use them to your heart’s content.Whether you’re aiming for efficiency, decoration, fun, or self-sufficiency, there’s a list of 30 awesome DIY projects just waiting…

50 Incredible DIY Home Projects

Home DIY AdviceIf you’re looking to become a DIYer or if you’ve been a DIYer for years we’ve got an assortment of incredible DIY projects you can try. Check them out. 1 / 50Use Firewood For a ProjectIf you have a stack of firewood, grab a couple pieces and a saw and make one of…