
Connection Between Marketing and Sales

There is a very strong connection between marketing and sales of any product or services. Products which are properly marketed definitely sell more than those that were not because everyone including you the owner of the product can only patronize and buy products you are aware of.

The Brand recognition of any product largely depends on its popularity in the market chain. Therefore the more you make your products and services popular, the more customers, clients, leads or even deals you tend to get.

Let’s take for example: Assuming you enter any supermarket or shopping mall to shop, you will be searching for those products that are popularly known and brands you often hear about. That does not in any way mean that they do not have an alternative, it only means that the brand itself has made its name so popular that even the mention of the name alone makes it an original product. Lol!

When we hear names like Dettol, Always, Cowbell, Peak, Vaseline, Closeup, Pears e.t.c. you will strongly believe with me that even a smart toddler will tell you what the product is meant for at the mention of the name alone.

Even myself while growing up taught that all sanitary pads were “Always” until i got of age before understanding that it is a Brand name…..Don’t laugh at me please…It was trending and that’s all i was hearing about so whenever i need a pad, i will simply say “Please i want to buy Always” Lol! So many of us did that too I guess!

Connection Between Marketing and Sales

I don’t even want to mention that of “Vaseline” becuase even till date some of us still don’t know that Vaseline is actually the brand name of that product and also has other alternatives.

Am not saying that all these mentioned products are not good or perform the purpose they were meant for…No, Of course they do exactly just that. What am trying to explain here is the power of marketing and creating brand awareness.

Now let me ask: are Cowbell and Peak the only milk available? No so why are they so popular that many people prefer their brand? its all about Marketing.

What about “Always” is it the only pad out there? No, but even till date a lot of young girls bears “Always” in mind at the mention of sanitary pad.

That is the example of what you get when you carryout a proper marketing on your brand. you make your brand so popular that the brand name alone becomes a product….Lol

You can not patronize a product that you are not even aware they exist and the only to make people know that your business products or services exist is by creating awareness through marketing therefore start marketing your products today and see how the connection between marketing and sales works.

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You can also start your product and services advertisement through word of mouth, informing your friends and family about your products and so on. The whole idea behind this is to get someone to become aware of the products you have and the services you can render to enable you make sales.

You can visit this website: for Amazing New Business Ideas you can start with little or No Capital, learn how to grow and expand your existing business through proper management strategies and How to Produce some Amazing Products even from the comfort of your home all for free.

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