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Plant Therapy – All You Need to Know About

Plant therapy as the name implies is a form of therapy that immensely relies on plant and gardening. This therapy helps people overcome various kinds of health issues and diseases such as high B.P and many more.

Plant therapy has diverse applications as it can also help individuals suffering from depression, those battling addictions, anxiety, and much more.

This Horticultural therapy is of great importance because it helps lots of individuals finding solutions to both mental and health issues in a natural way.

If you are thinking of trying out plant therapy then we highly recommend that you read this article as we will be opening our eyes to so many important and non-trivial facts about plant therapy.

For thousands of years, plants have been used and implemented in diverse areas of life.

According to research, plant/herbal remedies are better than placebos with regards to the treatment of inflammatory diseases.

Placebos are inert treatments or medicine containing no active ingredient.

Another interesting fact about plant/herbal remedies is that plant-based products are used in cancer therapy because of their anti-cancer properties.

They also possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Herbal doctors use plants, mixing different kinds of herbs to come up with something that can be used as medicine to heal certain physical body injuries.

The question now is… Can herbal remedies heal us mentally?
Well, the answer is obviously yes, it can heal several mental issues but to some extent.

There are unique ways that plant/herbs can be used therapeutically to aid the improvement of our mental well-being, however, choosing the method or therapy type depends on you as an individual.

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Note: One major drawback of the plant/herbal therapy is that taking up with a particular therapy type might work for you and not others and might work for others and not you.

There are different types of plant therapy you need to know about which you can try out.

(1) Essential oils
(2) Spending time in nature
(3) Healthy diet

Whereas the listed types above can be combined or used individually as part of a healthy lifestyle, choosing the right method largely depends on your interest or what you want.

You can do more research on your selection, to broadly expand your knowledge as it will help you a lot.

You can even start up a small garden yourself and experience many benefits or you can just participate in any therapy program available within your location.

We’ll be discussing briefly some of the listed plant therapy types below.

Plant Therapy Essential Oils

Plant Therapy - All You Need to Know About

According to research, aromatherapy is the use of organic compounds to aid the improvement of our health and mental state.

However, these organic compounds are known as plant therapy essential oils.

Essential oils are gotten from various kinds of plants some of which include leaves, roots, and seeds.

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Below are certain essential oils which we can recommend for you.

(1) Jasmine
(2) Frankincense
(3) Sandalwood
(4) Rose
(5) Chamomile.

Essential oils can be implemented or used in diverse ways depending on what or how you intend on using them.

There are certain things you need to take note of when you want to use these oils.

(1) When it comes to essential oils, we highly recommend that you do more research, the reason is that some oils out there aren’t safe for use.

(2) You should know that when you buy pre-made aromatherapy products make sure you try to possibly avoid the ones having artificial scents.

Note: When working or putting the essential oils to use make sure you know how to dilute them properly, inability to do so might cause skin irritation or other negative side effects.

Meanwhile, the lost coast plant therapy helps in providing sprays that help to prevent insects, mold, and mildew from destroying or damaging your plants, and they are safe for use as they had been tested by CW analytical in a laboratory.

Plant therapy and Young living are brands that provide therapy-based services.

Plant Therapy Pros and Cons

Plant therapy reviews and some products that plant therapy offers:

(1) They provide quality pure oils, also affordable and of good quality.

(2) These oils can not be used for internal use, but they are very effective and transparent.

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Young Living Pros and Cons

This is another therapy-based brand. Their plant therapy oils are also cheap and affordable

One can purchase essential oils from online stores one of which includes the plant therapy SF (San Francisco) name.

The plant therapy SF is simply where you connect and share knowledge about plants.

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