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United Nations urging countries to prioritize the safe reopening of schools

United Nations urging countries to prioritize the safe reopening of schools

United Nations (UN), says the number of students affected by school closures due to #COVID19 soared by nearly 40% in November.

According to the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), which state that urging countries to prioritize the safe reopening of schools to avoid continued damage to children’s learning & well-being.

However, the impact of extended education disruption is significant. It includes: poor nutrition, stress, increased exposure to violence and exploitation, childhood pregnancies, and overall challenges in mental development of children due to reduced interaction related to school closures.

World Health Organization (WHO), and United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), also recommend a range of hygiene and disinfection measures for schools to reopen and operate safely, including regular hand washing, daily disinfection and cleaning of surfaces, basic water, sanitation and waste management facilities, and environmental cleaning and decontamination.

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United Nations urging countries to prioritize the safe reopening of schools

Read Also: UNICEF Immense Progress In Global Vaccinations

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