
Definition of the Concepts of Reading and Learning

Reading is a process that involves word recognition and comprehension. Reading consists of decoding and making sense of words, texts, and sentences. Reading enables you to acquire language, and communication and facilitates sharing information and ideas. 

To succeed in any endeavor in life, you must acquire the necessary skills. A successful driver must have the skill to drive carefully, cautiously, and safely. A plumber must possess the skill to flourish as a professional. 

To pursue your studies successfully, i.e. pass all your examinations, acquire the required knowledge, and be equipped to function in your chosen career and contribute meaningfully to your society, it is crucial to understand and acquire specific learning and communication skills. 

Learning and communication skills will help you to learn and communicate effectively; therefore, they are vital to your success in your studies and beyond. 

Definition of Reading 

Francis Bacon once said reading maketh a full man… This summarizes the essence of reading; that reading should fill a person with ideas. Kosak (2017: 7) defines reading as a skill that enables you to get a message; recognize the written words; get the meaning; grasping information from texts.

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Leipzig (2011: np) says that reading is a multifaceted process involving words, comprehension, fluency, and motivation. By this explanation, Leipzig also agrees that reading involves word recognition, comprehension, and creating meaning. 

The English Club (2019: np) portrays reading as the process of looking at a series of written symbols and getting meaning from them. This process combines the use of your eyes to receive the symbols and your brain to convert them into words, sentences, and paragraphs that communicate meaning to you.

The Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics describes reading as perceiving a written text to understand its contents. This can be done silently (silent reading). The understanding that results is called reading comprehension; saying a written text aloud (oral reading). 

This can be carried out with or without an understanding of the content. Reading is described as a mental process, a highly personal activity, and an interactive process that leads to acquiring information (UK Essays, 2017). 

Reading is a two-way interaction between the reader and the writer. Brunan (1989) says that reading is a two-way interaction in which information is exchanged between the reader and the author. 

Smith (2004: 2) writes that reading is an act of communication in which information is transferred from a transmitter to a receiver. This explains reading as an indispensable thoroughfare of communication.

Reading is one of the necessary skills for learning and communication. Reading is an activity that can be silent or loud. When you read, you receive information. Therefore, it is described as a receptive skill it is also a productive skill that requires pronouncing the words you read. 

It is a productive skill in the sense that when you read, you are receiving and transmitting information simultaneously. Reading is a solitary affair, a precious skill that greatly broadens your vocabulary, thus helping you in speaking (and in listening and writing).

Reading involves systematically identifying and understanding strings of words, signs, or symbols. It is a process that requires word recognition, comprehension, and fluency. Sandhu (2018: np) sees reading as a cognitive process that involves decoding symbols to arrive at meaning. 

Wikipedia adds that reading is a means for language processing; it is a means for language acquisition, communication, and sharing information and ideas.‖ Reading is an active process of constructing the meanings of words. Primarily, reading is aimed at three goals: decoding, understanding and comprehending. 

Accordingly, Sandhu (2018: np) writes that to achieve these goals, the reader uses strategies to understand what is being read, uses themes to organize ideas, and uses textual clues to find the meanings of new words.

Although reading involves word recognition, comprehension, and fluency, it can be a very difficult activity. However, it remains the most inexpensive avenue for acquiring knowledge, entertainment, and relaxation. Reading books, journals and several other ephemeral materials such as magazines and newspapers is the cheapest way to gain knowledge and improve your lifestyle. 

Effective consistent reading guarantees success in academics, career, and relationships. Reading is very beneficial to your entire activity in life. The endnote (2019: np) highlights some of the major benefits of reading:

1. It Gives Satisfaction

Readers all over the world derive great satisfaction from reading. Although, the virtual environment is here with us, yet, the satisfaction you get from reading books and other related items is irreplaceable. 

Curling up with books is a phrase that creates an image of a warm and close relationship with the book. How do you feel when you see your kids reading books? Parents also feel satisfied when they see their kids read books.

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2. It Enhances Concentration

Reading is a solitary affair. It demands the involvement of the totality of your being to achieve the goals and benefits of reading. It is a mental activity that requires a long duration of focus. 

Therefore, you must concentrate your mind fully to be able to read effectively. When you read consistently and regularly, it reshapes and improves the power of your concentration and focus.

3. It Imparts Knowledge

Reading is a significant source of acquiring knowledge. It also enhances your knowledge and provides you with the platform to achieve and gain usefulness, fruitfulness, and value in life. 

When you read meaningfully, you acquire importance and the chance to participate in fruitful discussions and decision-making processes.

4. It Exercises the Brain

Reading is generally believed to be a mental activity that exercises the brain. When you read, your brain cells are activated to work for decoding, understanding, and comprehension. This stimulates your brain and polishes it to think and internalize the content of the material you may be reading. When you read, your brain remains sharp, focused, and alive. 

When you stop reading, your brain begins to sleep, decay, and eventually die. Have you seen some graduates who got into some business such as driving and stopped reading? The resultant stagnation, retrogression, decline, and loss of value are alarming. Remember, the common saying, when you stop reading, you start dying.

5. It Reduces Stress

The habit of reading, when acquired is useful throughout life. Reading can dramatically change your life. Reading entertains, amuses, and enriches with knowledge. Escapist reading helps to reduce stress, relieve tensions and boost your energy. 

Recreational reading can carry you to the realm of dream and amusement which you need to balance your stand on the complexities and vicissitudes of life.

6. It Enhances Analytical Thinking

Reading enriches and sharpens your knowledge and helps you to analyze and evaluate things thoroughly and better. It enhances your analytical thinking.

7. It Improves Vocabulary

When you read, you are exposed to new and unfamiliar words. Reading skilfully, therefore, provides you with the avenue to increase your vocabulary and teach you better ways of expressing yourselves.

8. It Improves Writing Skills

You cannot write meaningfully if you cannot read effectively. Effective reading enhances your writing skills. It boosts your ability to think; facilitates writing your thoughts in your journal notes, which eventually enhances your writing skills. You can never be a good writer without first being a good reader.

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