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Nigeria: JAMB tells candidates what to do regarding mock exam slips

Nigeria: JAMB tells candidates what to do regarding mock exam slips

The Joint Admissions and Matriculations Board (JAMB) has asked candidates sitting for its mock Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) to reprint their examination slips.

JAMB stated that candidates, who had indicated interests to sit for the mock- UTME and had earlier printed the examination slips, were advised to reprint, following the shift in examination date.

Candidates, who had registered for the 2021 UTME and indicated interest to sit for the optional mock examination, are to reprint their mock notification slips.

This is consequent on the change of date for the mock- UTME earlier scheduled for Thursday, May 20 and now to hold on Thursday, June 3.

It is imperative to reprint as the new slip will have a new date.

“As disclosed earlier, the optional mock notification slip can be printed from anywhere that candidates find convenient, provided they have internet access.

To print the slip, candidates are to visit then click on the facility and print their slips,” it stated.

The board explained that each slip contained candidates’ details such as registration number and most importantly, the centre they were to sit for the examination within their chosen examination town.

It added that the slip also contained the expected time to be at the centre.

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