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Foods and Drinks That Can Increase your Blood Sugar Level

Foods and Drinks That Can Increase your Blood Sugar Level

Just when you think you’re making all the right food choices, your blood sugar takes a leap or dive. Foods and drinks can have an impact you might not expect, and these surprise blood-sugar changes can be harmful (potentially causing low or high levels). Here are some things you should consider: Don’t let bagels betray…

Functional Areas of a Business

Functional Areas of a Business

Part of a business’ growth is the deployment of separate departments which functions with specific focus and definitive path. They are structured according to certain business requirements and these departments will vary depending on the type of business being practiced. Knowing the different functional areas of a business is a basic but major necessity for…

Small Business Guide to Manufacturing

Small Business Guide to Manufacturing

ByMartin Murray is a former writer for The Balance Small Business, and the author of eight books on supply chain management and enterprise resource planning.Martin MurrayUpdated August 08, 2019In the U.S. small manufacturers can be found in all fifty states. Organizations such as the American Small Manufacturers Coalition (ASMC) exist to promote small manufacturers and…

8 Most Hydrating Drinks Besides Water

8 Most Hydrating Drinks Besides Water

It is important to keep yourself hydrated not just to quench your thirst but to make sure you’re energized and active through the day. It is also important to note that keeping yourself hydrated during winters is as crucial as it is in summers. The good part is that there are many delicious and healthy…